Once I left the ruined stone barn with its #Redstarts (See previous post) I headed off to the upper #Dales between #Castle #Bolton and #Reeth in search of #Curlew. I hoped they would be nested in the long grasses and heathers of the #moorlands there.

At this time of year they are far less ‘skittish’ and will stay around to protect their #chicks rather than fly off at the first sight of a human, thus allowing me to slowly cruise around to area listening for their magical call and, once in sight, get images from the comfort of my car seat - The strategy worked and I was #rewarded by the sight of some of the most amazing #birds to visit our shores.

We have lost nearly 60% of our Curlews since 1980 and it is a relief to see a good number of healthy looking chicks this year, however they remain a Red Listed bird that needs all the help we can give it.