It's been a busy time for me in the last couple of months.......I don't normally enter #photographic #competitions, however, urged on by some of my #contemporaries, I was encourage to do so with an #Audio #Visual work based on the Simon and Garfunkel song 'Sound of Silence' as performed by the rock band 'Disturbed'.
Whilst I am used to compiling short #video's for myself and #YouTube content, I have never entered anything like an #international AV festival under #PAGB and #FIAP patronage.
My first foray was into my local camera club competition (to test the water). I was pleased to walk away with a #first at #Heswall #Photographic #Society, together with their annual shield trophy!

However, entering the international stage is a completely different ballgame. A fellow AV-er #Mike #Pill who is far more experienced in these matters, suggested I enter the #Jurassic #Coast international festival. I was somewhat dumbstruck when I achieved a PAGB #Bronze medal in the Music, Poetry and Song category and a Bronze FIAP medal for best newcomer, this being my first time entering and no previous PAGB, RPS or FIAP awards for AV.

Many #thanks for those who helped me along the way. I am emboldened to try again next year. Unfortunately, due to licencing restrictions I am not allowed to post the video online!
Brilliant, well done Tom